Supporting women-owned businesses

It wasn’t intentional when I started Elevation Business Consulting. I did not set out to work predominantly with women business owners. It appears to be a demographic that resonates with my approach to ending the daily scramble of running a business. I enjoy working with all my clients – men and women, but there is something special about helping a woman succeed in building her business and achieving success on her terms.

Many business owners struggle to identify their ideal target customer. Mine landed right in front of me and I have been identifying ways to support that demographic through my services and beyond since I had the realization.

When I learned of TheWMarketplace, an e-commerce site for women-owned businesses, it was a no brainer to get involved. What better way to expand my support of women then to support their businesses. And the opportunities on The W Marketplace are only growing. From clothing to gift guides, food to personal care products, coaching services to web design help, there are so many businesses offering so many different products and services, all in one place. All available for purchase online, just like all the other big-box websites we already shop at.

I am pleased to have Elevation Business Consulting offerings on TheWMarketplace. It allows me to support the organization doing good work for women-owned businesses while promoting my business. It’s good marketing to target your ideal customer while making a difference in the world.  

As you consider your buying habits, I encourage you to look at TheWMarketplace. When women succeed, everyone succeeds. Supporting a women-owned business is a good step towards creating a better life for everyone and The W Marketplace makes it easy. And if you know anyone who needs support in running their business, I would appreciate you sharing my offerings via TheWMarketplace.


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Does your business have the culture you want?